Naming conventions

Some services in Catel support naming conventions. For example, the IViewLocator and IViewModelLocator allow naming conventions to prevent a user from having to register all views and view models. Internally, the naming conventions are resolved using the NamingConvention helper class. This part of the documentation explains the possible constants in naming conventions.

[AS] constant

The [AS] constant will be replaced by the assembly name. For example, the following naming convention:


in assembly Catel.Examples will be resolved as:


[VM] constant

The [VM] constant will be replaced by the name of the view model without the ViewModel postfix. For example, the following naming convention:


in assembly Catel.Examples and for type Catel.Examples.ViewModels.MyViewModel will be resolved as:


[VW] constant

The [VW] constant will be replaced by the name of the view without the View, Control, Page or Window postfixes. For example, the following naming convention:


in assembly Catel.Examples and for type Catel.Examples.Views.MyView will be resolved as:


[UP] constant

Sometimes it is not possible to use the [AS] constant because the assembly name does is not used in the namespace. For example, for an application called PersonApplication where the client assembly is PersonApplication.Client, the root namespace will still be PersonApplication. Therefore, it is recommend to use the [UP] constant for this situation.

The [UP] constant will move the namespaces up by one step. It automatically detects the right separator (\ (backslash), / (slash), . (dot) and | (pipe) are supported).

The following naming convention:


for type Catel.Examples.ViewModels.MyViewModel will be resolved as:
